August 29, 2010

Other Responsibilities

As the first week of classes have now come and gone, I am left with the fact that I did hardly any work on my thesis. The reason for this is that I have an abundance of other activities and responsibilities during the semester. This blog will sometimes delve into the activities, so I wanted to give my readers a heads up. These are my other activities:

-GTA Position: This year I received a Graduate Teaching Assistantship. The GTA position is for computer lab maintenance as well as social networking for the school. Currently, I am in charge of the WAAC's Twitter and Facebook accounts, as well as the giant monitor in the front lobby. This is a new feature at the WAAC, so I am sure there will be a large amount of experimentation I will be conducting this academic year.

-Digital Fabrication Project: I am leading a team of 4 students into an in - depth study of digital fabrication. The site of the project is up in the air, but the project will continue under the Design Build class the WAAC offers. I am certain that there will be weeks where all I do is work on this project, but the project does tie into my thesis, so it will be beneficial. I wrote a rough draft of a syllabus below:

WAAC AIAS Co-Chair: I have responsibilities to run the WAAC's chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students. We are a student organization that focuses on the connection between education and practice. We just had an opening BBQ for the entire school on Friday that went well. I will keep the blog updated on various events that are run throughout the year.

Concrete Competition: This brings me to what I am currently working on, the Concrete Competition. We are given one cubic foot of concrete to do with what we wish. We cast on Monday. I have been working on a masonry unit that have built in planters. I hope to have the final design up tomorrow morning. Until then, here are some precedents:

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