February 2, 2011

Theoretical Backup

I have been trying to grasp my thesis the past few weeks with some success and some failure. To summarize, I am looking at how technology can be used in an architectural format to better the urban environment. In reality, it is the spatial reaction that can be utilized through new technologies and information systems that I am most interested in. The problem with this is that all of my research has been done studying new building systems and products rather then writings and theories from the past. No longer. My chair, Paul Emmons, has lent me a book, "Rethinking Technology", which is a collection of articles from architects that discusses how architecture should embrace technology. These articles range from Frank Lloyd Wright to Le Corbusier to more modern writings. I will be using this book mostly for quotes to support my thesis. It is 450 pages long, but given the short amount of time I have on my thesis, I will try to read all of it the rest of this week. Good luck to me.....

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