October 20, 2010

Not So Fast My Friend....

After doing a big helping of research for midterms, I decided that my site at Poplar Point was not optimal for what I wanted to do. I needed a site that was located in a dense urban area to work with my ideas of a public park combining with the stadium. Luckily, I found a site that is perfect for what I am trying to accomplish. North of the Verizon Center, there is a large parking lot where various events take place. The space is always in transition, and is eventually planned for a large mixed-use complex. The space is on the intersection of H St. and 9th. St NW.

This site is optimal because it is surrounded by a dense urban fabric as well as a meeting place for many places of traffic. The opportunity for me with this site is to create a transformative space that deals with the dense traffic that will flow through the area. This will be my last site change, I promise.

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